narcotics anonymous

How Can You Help Someone Overcome a Marijuana Addiction?

Question by Charlie: How can you help someone overcome a marijuana addiction?
My friend just wrote me this huge email about how she’s become totally addicted to marijuana… I was shocked because I knew she smoked but not like that O_O Anyways I really dont know what to say to her… any tips for like people she can call (like the kids help phone) or steps to take?
thank you!!! =|

Best answer:

Answer by Meru
addiction and marijuana ( never thought I would hear that in the same sentence..)

just stop …flat out quit. Its not that hard lol..

now if only I could conquer cigarettes…that’s a real addiction there.

None the less, here are the numbers and names of hot lines she can call:

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Referral National Hotline: 1-800-662-4357

National Helplines: 1-800-HELP-111

Narcotics Anonymous, World Service Line: (818) 773-9999

Add your own answer in the comments!



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