narcotics anonymous

I Smoke Cigarettes to Help Me Quit Marijuana and It Doesn’t Work?

Question by Mozin: I smoke cigarettes to help me quit marijuana and it doesn’t work?
I decided a while back that I should smoke a cigarette every time after I smoke a marijuana bowl. This would help me to help me quit smoking marijuana. I heard cigarettes are gross and give you lung cancer so I don’t like it at all. It’s not working though, whats the best way to stop?

Best answer:

Answer by Edward
I’m not trying to be mean, but that really is the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time.

Tobacco products contain one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Smoking cigarettes is only going to get you ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES!!!

First, quit using all tobacco products. When you get that worked out of your system try quitting marijuana. You may need help with tobacco.

Marijuana addiction is primarily mental/psychological. If you don’t feel you can quit it alone, ask for help from a councilor, therapist, doctor, adult family member, or religious leader. If there is a support group for addictions like Narcotics Anonymous near you, going to meeting might help. Just make sure it isn’t one where they replace their drug of choice with cigarettes and coffee!

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