national institutes of health

How Specific Is a Urine and Blood Drug Test?

Question by bzas1girl: How specific is a urine and blood drug test?
If you are taking oxycodone is that all it will show or will it show the specific drug like oxycontin,roxycodone,percocet or vicodin? Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by peanut
Yes, it show as an opiate.

What do you think? Answer below!



NIDA TV Spotlight on Doctors Judith and David Brooks: Risks and Consequences of Drug Abuse – NIDA TV interview with New York University, Langone Medical Center’s and NIDA Grantees, Drs. Judith and David Brooks following their NIH-NIDA hosted presenta…


How America Learned to Love Whiskey

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

But debates like that one—and even the drug-decriminalization movement today—had their origins long before the 20th century, in battles like the Whiskey Rebellion. At the time, it was the …. During the Civil War, according to a study by the …
Read more on National Journal


AIDS: The untold truth of its aging victims

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

Just before Thanksgiving, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a statement for World AIDS Day crediting advances in science for turning the corner in the fight against HIV/AIDS. According to the NIH, “That progress has turned an HIV … New …
Read more on Worcester Mag


Tuesday's XC | 12.3

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

Say no to drugs. Susan Busch, a professor at the School of Public Health, and several students won third place in a contest from the National Institute on Drug Abuse for an infographic presenting drug abuse facts in creative ways. The infographic …
Read more on Yale Daily News


7 Things to Know About Adderall

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

… of high school seniors were using Adderall without a prescription. By 2012, it was 7.6 percent. It is in fact, the only drug that saw an increase in use among high schoolers last year, according to a national report for the National Institute on …
Read more on Daily Beast