nicotine addiction

What Are the Medically-Recognized Types of Addiction?

Question by grammar_cleopatra: What are the medically-recognized types of addiction?
Is there like an official medical list of the types of addictions (like drug addiction, nicotine addiction, etc)? Or can anything at all become addictive?

Best answer:

Answer by sasu
Hello ,

Try this link it’s really very useful and has all addictions classified in alphabetical order .
Take care .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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RT @mercola: Did you know that taking one prescription #drug can actually expose you to 70 potential side effects on average? http://t. … – by MonetEuan (Monet Euan)


From Twitter:

RT @mercola: Did you know that taking one prescription #drug can actually expose you to 70 potential side effects on average? http://t. … – by eddie_free (Eddie Free)