physical abuse

What Is the Angry White Voter Response in Today’s Politics?

Question by mousepad: What is the angry white voter response in today’s politics?
I’m just asking because I’m seeing alot of flaming comments posted by conservatives angry with the “direction” that the country is going. What I mean is the immigration laws in Arizona and the general sentiment that all minority civil rights groups are bad. There’s this strange feel I get when reading them, it’s as if I’m in another country. Isn’t this America? Don’t we embrace multiculturalism because that’s a core part of our identity?

Best answer:

Answer by oldsouldier
our country is going down the tubes. The big rats (corporations) have already hopped off. Why?

well thats up for debate, now isn’t it?

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Arizona Mothers Believe Marijuana Makes Them Better Parents – Arizona mothers believe that marijuana makes them better parents.


National survey finds RX drug use among young adults down

Filed under: Drug Abuse Arizona

The number of people aged 18 to 25 who used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in the past month declined 14 percent — from 2.0 million in 2010 to 1.7 million in 2011— the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration …
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States don't often share child-abuse records. And sometimes kids like Jeanette

Filed under: Drug Abuse Arizona

A different worker told her that Jeanette's mother had a history of drug abuse as well as physical abuse of her children. She learned …. Later, police said Ame's relatives were being investigated in Utah before her family moved to Arizona. Child …