physical abuse

What Are the Noticable Effects After Use of Amphetamines and Cocain?

...  Fakers Hankering for Pills Thwarted by Lie Detectors Filed under: drug abuse symptoms College students faking symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to get hold of pills may have met their match in an ADHD lie detector device. People are acting fidgety and inattentive to try to dupe doctors into writing prescriptions for … Read more on Bloomberg  Sex abuse triggers early puberty and its problems Filed under: drug abuse symptoms They looked at the type of maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse or neglect), emotional symptoms and level of physical maturity reported at two points, two years apart. The team found no … It was supported in part by the National Institute on … Read more on Cornell Chronicle  Six signs that you may be an addict Filed under: drug abuse symptoms They sneak around and lie, carving out time to procure and use their substance of choice, says Scharff, an author and addiction recovery expert at Cliffside Malibu Treatment ...