rehabilitation center

Does Anyone Care?

Question by DIFFERENT: does anyone care?
does anyone care about people like me who has an abusive boyfriend but has tried everything and anything to move on but hes to controlling and to abusive, does anyone care that i grew up in foster care was raped and molested and even touched by my own foster parents my real father before he died before i went into foster homes and my real mom to this day tells me im worthless and was a rape baby? does anyone care that i can hardley afford to eat? that everyday i have to ask for money from people and even pay 10 dollars just to use this computer for resources? does anyone care that i think i should die because i have no life, and i am usally a nanny but since i have no way to get to california they wont hire me, i have to have a current address and a phone number i dont even have that, what should i do? and why dont people care for someone like me? im worthless and alot of people tell me im pretty but so what i just want to die, so maybe someone will respond with a good response.

Best answer:

Answer by caramel_beauty2007
Maybe u should try goin to church and talkin to a preist or preacher and i’m sure they will help u get on ur feet so u can support urself….good luck…my prayers are with u

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