research paper

Is the War Against Drug Abuse a Good Topic for a Research Paper? if So What Would Be a Good Hypothesis for It?

Question by burkedawn: Is the war against drug abuse a good topic for a research paper? If so what would be a good hypothesis for it?
I am wirting a research paper for my class at University of Phoenix online and I chose to do an essay on the “war against drug abuse”. What I am wanting to know is what would be a good hypothesis for this topic area?

Best answer:

Answer by clover spots
you could posit
1 what pressures has the war on drugs put on our prisons, hospitals
2 why is funding given more to arrest drug offenders than to treat them
3 what is the goal of the war on drugs, has it been met
4. what are other options that have been used in other countries, are they feasible here

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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