research paper

What woI Need a Good Title for My Research Paper About Prescription Drug Abuse. Any Help?Uld You Like to Ask?

Question by billy bob: What woI need a good title for my research paper about Prescription Drug abuse. any help?uld you like to ask?
I have a research paper due tomarrow and i am having problems finding a good title for my paper and need some help. the topic is about Prescription Drug Abuse and i can’t use that as my title.

Best answer:

Answer by Unknown
I would title it something like:
“Driven to stealing” or “Addicted to stealing” or “A Pharmacist’s nightmare” or “Willing to hold up a pharmacy”

As part of your research paper what would be really interesting is to go to local pharmacies and interview pharmacists if they have ever been held up.
I worked with pharmacists who had been held up. 1 person had a gun and the pharmacist saw it (they showed it to her) and the people were there to steal narcotic drugs that are locked up. One time the pharmacist was in the bathroom and a person held up a pharmacy and the pharm tech had to say “well you will have to wait until the pharmacy comes back from the bathroom” since they are the only ones who can open the safe.

You might hear some really interesting stories. They caught one of the robbers and the pharmacists I worked with had to go to court and testify against the man.

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