residential treatment center

Can I Get Away With Running Away From a Residential Treatment Center?

Question by katy: can i get away with running away from a residential treatment center?
I am 17 years old and i live in texas. i wanted to know if i could get away with this. i know once i run away the law would look for me but not hard so, how would the cops go about looking for me because once i leave ( im going about 50 miles away) i intend to register into school.. so can the law find me and pick me up if i register into school? once i register will my social security number pop up in some kind of computer in the police departement or whatever and my location will be found?

Best answer:

Answer by Joshua H
Don’t do it. You’ll either get caught or it will go on your record and haunt your future career. Do you really want to be taken away in handcuffs when your car gets pulled over for speeding?

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