salvation army

How Do I Quit Synthetic Marijuana (“spice”)?

Question by Chris: How do I quit synthetic marijuana (“spice”)?
Yeah I know. Stupid for getting involved. Now I can’t get uninvolved. I try, I fail, multiple times. Im losing the will and energy to stop.. It causes problems physically/mentally/emotionally/financially. Never thought I’d be an “addict” Help?? I can’t afford treatment

Best answer:

Answer by Mel
unfortunately you are going to have to just stop. stop hanging out with friends that do it. try a 12 step group like AA or NA. call the local salvation army, they will have a list of low or no cost drug treatment programs.

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Rehab stories – what it is like at drug treatment for men a – Addiction to drugs like drugs like cocaine, oxycontin, vicodin, and heroin is a progressive and deadly disease. Getting help from…


Emily Ball's probation revoked

Filed under: salvation army drug treatment program

Mullins had proposed the judge keep Ball on probation under the conditions she live with her 21-year-old sister, get a job, enroll in college and get mental health treatment. Assistant … Sheehan said the Salvation Army in Lexington has a program …


Can We Treat Moral Wounds?

Filed under: salvation army drug treatment program

You gotta live with that shit and there's no program that the military can send you to or any class that's really gonna help. “Guilt is the root of it … The therapies and drugs developed to treat PTSD don't get at the root of moral injury, experts …
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Lutheran Church of Hope: Fastest-growing church of its kind adds urban mission

Filed under: salvation army drug treatment program

It takes an army of volunteers to overcome the challenges of establishing an urban church, to pick up passengers when aging buses don't start in a frigid Iowa winter, or to take the do-it-yourself route in ripping out carpet and breaking down walls to …