san diego

TMA Mental Illness and Addictions With Paul A. Appleby


TMA Mental Illness and Addictions with Paul A. Appleby – PAUL A. APPLEBY Paul A. Appleby received a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of San Diego. He is a Licensed Independent Substance Ab…


What's it worth to you to keep an Arizona child safe?

Filed under: Tucson Drug Abuse

Revelations that 5,554 cases — each a child someone thought was in enough danger of abuse or neglect to merit contacting authorities — were set aside without even a cursory investigation created a storm of publicity. Recriminations followed …
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Mediocrity won't get you sales

Filed under: Tucson Drug Abuse

If many of them have closed their doors, it has more to do with drug-cartel violence and not to poor customer service. In their own quaint way, those guys … Use the 'Report' link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts. 6 Share with Us. We'd …
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Advierte Salud por uso de 'krokodil' en México

Filed under: Tucson Drug Abuse

De acuerdo con el National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, 2013) el krokodil es utilizado como sustituto de la heroína –principalmente en zonas rurales pobres de Rusia– por su costo más económico. Si bien la sustancia fue descubierta en 1932 en Estados …