steve wright

Intentional Acts of Kindness


Intentional Acts of Kindness – James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” NKJV God has commanded us to care. Just read Matthew chapter 25, verses 31 – 46 and you’ll quickly see how important it is to God that we have the heart of His own Son. In coming to know Him (our Lord) we find ourselves doing the things He did, going to the places He went, caring for the same kind of people He cared for. We created this video to encourage you and to show you part of what this transformation looks like in our lives. He has transformed us, saved us, and we will never be the same. And we live to serve Him, to go where He wills, so that we can be called His! We desire to do His will on earth just as it is done in heaven. After several visits with the residents of Sunrise Senior Living, Will Nieves, of Victory Outreach (Tucson), organized this event by collaborating with Steve Wright, of Family Life Radio, and Stephanie Black, the Director of Community Relations at Sunrise Senior Living in Tucson, Arizona. This particular event was planned to coincide with “Intentional Acts of Kindness Day” (August 13, 2012). The Victory Outreach Men’s and Women’s Homes and other Victory Outreach congregation worked to bless the staff of Sunrise Senior Living by washing all their vehicles while others performed music for the residents inside. Family Life Radio broadcasted encouraging news of the event (live on


Jesse Jackson Jr.'s tumultuous summer

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Tucson

His exact ailment, expected return to work and whereabouts are not disclosed, but more than a month later, the family confirms he was at Sierra Tucson Treatment Center in Arizona, which specializes in mental health. ? July 11: Another brief release …
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