substance abuse prevention

How and Why Is Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Related to Substance Abuse?

Question by M: How and Why is Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder related to substance abuse?
I know the symptoms and what Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder is but how and why are they related to substance use?

Try to be clear when explaining this to me please and Thanks for the help!

This is really important to me!!

Best answer:

Answer by Flubbety Yu
many people with chizophrenia or bi[olar disorder will self medicate with whatever drugs are available ( usually pot) to offset the symptoms.

What do you think? Answer below!



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Portsmouth Pledges Purple, Stands Against Substance Abuse

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'Narcotics High': Wiscasset High School addresses substance abuse

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Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention Awarded Funds for Prevention of

Filed under: Substance Abuse

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