substance abuse treatment

Is It Easy for an Adult to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in New Jersey?

Question by Marco: Is it easy for an adult to get a medical marijuana card in new jersey?
Recently our Governor Chris Christie has legalized the use of medical marijuana for children.
My question is does this effect how easy or hard it would be for an adult to obtain a medical card?
I have certain disorders ranging from ADHD, OCD and anxiety problems if that even counts. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Complex At Best
I am unaware of the states regulations, however, I highly recommend you stay away from Cannabis if you suffer from OCD.

Cannabis may help “mellow” you out, lowering stress, but it can also induce anxiety which further drives OCD. In addition to this, the paranioa that Cannabis *does* create, regardless if you accept the fact, will drive your OCD further.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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