task force

Emotional Binge Eating 5 Food Personalities Compulsive Overeating & Binge Eating


Emotional Binge Eating 5 Food Personalities Compulsive Overeating & Binge Eating – What is Your Food Personalities? We experience different ones when we are stressed, depressed or looking for love. Tips to help stop emotional eating http://…


Editorial: Open your hearts to the homeless

Filed under: food addiction help

That's unless, of course, they belong to a church or a service organization that as part of its mission routinely works with the homeless and helps those who serve them. … Or alcohol or drug addiction. Or a combination of mental illness and addiction …
Read more on Greenville News


Dr. Wilson Compton named Deputy Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Filed under: food addiction help

He has also coordinated innovative research designed to strengthen addiction treatment services through improved organizational and financial infrastructure. In addition, Dr. Compton has been a member of the DSM-5 Task Force and the Substance Use …
Read more on National Institutes of Health (press release)


China must kick costly coal addiction

Filed under: food addiction help

The timing doesn't help. Jokes about renaming the city “Grayjing” or “Beige-jing” coincide with the Communist Party's much-anticipated Third Plenum meeting Nov. 9-12. In a more democratic system, that might increase the urgency to act boldly to address …
Read more on The Japan Times


Emotions and eating two separate things

Filed under: food addiction help

In her new book, Quit Comfort Eating, Lose Weight By Managing Your Emotions, Dr Susan Albers has come up with tools to help you take a pause and identify what you are feeling at that crucial moment when you're deciding whether to have that junk snack …
Read more on Times of India