task force

Life Coaching Strategies – Substance Abuse Prevention Speaker


Life Coaching Strategies – Substance Abuse Prevention Speaker – Life Coaching Strategies – Substance Abuse Prevention Speaker http://www.PaulFDavis.com has touched 70 countries w life-changing messages ([email protected]


West Virginia Governor's Task Force fights prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

A collaborative effort of agencies and individuals addressing issues of drug abuse prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery at the local and state level, known as the Governor's Task Force, went into effect in 2011. Paxton says drug …
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Experts say teen drug use is on the rise

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Adrienne Buckle heads up the county's drug abuse prevention efforts and says teen drug use has lifelong impacts. "They have a much greater likelihood of becoming addicted what we know is that young people who start using alcohol before the age of 15 …
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