teen challenge



GOD STORIES – WESTERN MICHIGAN TEEN CHALLENGE TESTIMONIES – TYLER’S STORY – If you would like to hear other testimonies from WESTERN MICHIGAN TEEN CHALLENGE, or simply learn more about the ministry: www.precious-testimonies.com If you would like to check out the non-denominational ministry of PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES EVANGELISTIC MINISTRIES: www.precious-testimonies.com If you would like to simply learn more about Christianity www.precious-testimonies.com


Drug abuse council holds workshop

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

HARRIS — The Substance Abuse and Violence Education Council of Delta County held a drug awareness conference workshop on Friday at the Island Resort and Casino. Over 120 people from education, but mostly health backgrounds, attended.
Read more on UpperMichigansSource.com


NFL combine just another obstacle for McCalebb to run by

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

McCalebb said he was taken from his mother's custody in fourth grade because of her drug abuse, and was raised by his grandmother for a spell. His father was not a part of McCalebb's life up until that point, but then helped raise him through middle …
Read more on CBS sports.com (blog)


Ken Braun: Banning guns will work as well as the war on drugs

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

We have taken a very destructive personal habit done by unfortunate people – drug addicts – and exploded it into an organized crime wave requiring a huge expansion of big government. Leaving aside damage to our wallets, is this the smart way to help …
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