the company

Have Any Seniors Quit Bad Habits or Addictions After Retiring or After Quitting a Stressful Job?

Question by Glenda: Have any Seniors quit bad habits or addictions after retiring or after quitting a stressful job?
I’m talking about cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.–or any crutch that helped you get through the day or night.

Best answer:

Answer by Poppy
I quite smoking 25 years ago. Not having to rise every morning at 5;30 has kept me sane since I retired. I am not a morning person, I like to stay up until midnight. I know of no bad habits. Poppy

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Deceptions, Dupes & Dots

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

With his help and the guiding hand of numerous suspicious astute colleagues, we have made sense of widely scattered information from the battlefield during the global monetary war. After tying stories together, the main … One tidy piece of evidence …
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4 Bold Biotech Calls For 2014 [Neuralstem, Inc., Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc

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… has been on a wild ride the past year. The stock traded as high as $ 2.50 per share early in 2013 ahead of the FDA's Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC) meeting that took place in March 2013 to discuss the company's new drug …
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Money vs Legal Tender – Deceptions, Dupes & Dots

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

With his help and the guiding hand of numerous suspicious astute colleagues, we have made sense of widely scattered information from the battlefield during the global monetary war. After tying stories together, the main themes make for a fascinating …
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