Christian drug rehab center – Step 7 – Christian drug rehab center – Step 7 to successful recovery (877) 231-1827 Charlotte, clinician in the Christian drug and alcohol rehab program at The Recovery Place, talks about step 7 from the Christian 12 steps to recovery. Step 7 is when we reach the point of allowing God to remove our character defects that hinder us from becoming our best. A big part of our recovery process in the Christian drug and alcohol rehab program is building an identity in Christ which takes place of the identity we may be afraid to lose. The Recovery Place Christian drug and alcohol rehab program utilizes the 12 Steps to recovery by implementing each step’s significance within addiction recovery.
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Filed under:christian drug rehab
She'd been in and out of rehab for seven years, and it never had worked. Karolyn found a … Most residents are single moms who committed drug-related crimes, such as theft or prostitution. The ministry … Bird became a Christian 30 years ago. She has … Read more on Lancaster Newspapers