tucson az

Why Do They Send Police to Phoenix on Drug DUI Training?

Question by Moreris: Why do they send police to Phoenix on drug DUI training?
I never understood why they send police to Phoenix on drug DUI training. I never thought Phoenix had high drug use and DUI.

I thought Albuquerque had way more drug use and DUI almost like Miami ,Fort Lauderdale and Los Angeles that is highest in the nation almost like Baltimore ,San Francisco and DC that as major drug problem .

Best answer:

Answer by Dan
There might be a SW Center for cop/state police drug/DUI training there. May have nothing to do with how many problems, just budget/placement (central to AZ) and size of Phoenix/Metro area. Biggest town in AZ and NM. .

Phoenix-Metro area has 4 million people. Looks like LA, not Arizona. And, like all big cities, has big drug problems. DUI is Everywhere. N Dakota has highest percentage of DUI’s.

There is a drug problem all over the place. There are towns famous for meth heads, like Kingman.

So. AZ., like Tucson and Nogales, have bad dealer/smuggling problems due to being so close to the border. Local law can’t get a handle on it, so they overprosecute smaller cases to look “good” to voters.

REF: AZ res. 6 years.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



6 drug runners 35 miles north of the US border with Mexico, near Tucson – Video from a trail camera placed by the AZ Border Defenders of 6 drug runners 35 miles north of the United States border with Mexico near Tucson AZ. www.azborderdefenders.org


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