tucson az

I Have a Citation for Leaving My Dog in the Car in Tucson. Do I Qualify for Diversion Program?

Question by Dr. No: i have a citation for leaving my dog in the car in tucson. Do I qualify for diversion program?
I have a court date set. The dog had shade, water and the windows were down. I don’t know what is going to happen. It’s my first offense. please answer my question.

Best answer:

Answer by raichasays
Diversion programs are education programs designed to combat things like drug abuse and gang violence.

Most states do not have education programs to teach you not to leave your dog in the car in the desert.

However in AZ, because this is a huge problem for animals, diversion programs are available. You may qualify. You will have to talk to the city or district attorney to arrange a plea.

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8 drug smugglers, 30 miles north of the border near Tucson AZ – AZ Border Defenders – Video from a trail camera placed by the AZ Border Defenders of 8 drug smugglers 30 miles north of the United States border with Mexico near Tucson AZ.


The Center For Inquiry Likes Atheism's Cranky White Guy Image, So Screw You

Filed under: Tucson Drug Abuse

The problem with that statement is that “all elements” of the secular movement most assuredly do not share the “common value” of “full equality and respect for women around the world”. Sure, the pro-harassment folks that are trying to drum feminists …
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'Snowden is not the problem' Palin says

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Filed under: Tucson Drug Abuse

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