tucson citizen

Chris’ Story – Getting Help for Heroin Addiction: Get Informed, Get Help | My Treatment My Choice


Chris’ story – getting help for heroin addiction: get informed, get help | My Treatment My Choice – Bereaved at just 13, Chris learned early on that drugs offered a great escape from harsh realities. Chris eventually moved to England looking for work and wa…


SROC at 100: Waseca research projects remain topical today

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

In the early years, increased agricultural production was the focus of all activities, according to the university's website. …. Hugh Chester-Jones, a professor of animal science at SROC, was smack dab in the middle of it, researching with other …
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Protecting Your Teen & Tween From Testing the Waters Of Drug Use

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

You and your spouse can help to protect your children from the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Here are a few … On my website, drjerryweichman.com, you can find a comprehensive list of alternate terms and lingo that kids use for drugs. * Have …
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Why Are We Addicted to Food?

Filed under: drug abuse help websites

Food addiction cannot be as severe as a drug addiction? That is wrong. A number of scientific studies have now proven that as far as the brain is concerned, food addiction is essentially the same as a drug addiction. … I will help you ease into this …
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