Teen Drug Use on the Rise


Teen drug use on the rise – New report shows 1in 10 teens admit to smoking marijuana at least 20 times a month.


Teen alleges brutality by DeKalb officers

Filed under: teen drug abuse

The department has been plagued by troubled officers, with at least 17 being arrested in the past two years, three of whom were charged with aiding illicit drug organizations. The three … Hudson said he didn't participate in any abuse and did not see …
Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution


Pot use drops among teens in Canada, other Western countries while rising in

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Teenagers in Canada, the United States, Belgium, France, Italy, the U.K. and other developed nations have shown a “significant decline in cannabis use” over an eight-year period, the study, published Friday in the scientific journal Addiction, says …
Read more on National Post


Before the horror: a teen gang-rape victim's tortured soul

Filed under: teen drug abuse

If they are lucky enough to make it through elementary and middle school, odds are that by high school they will disappear into a young subculture of delinquency, crime and addiction. Ironically, Stephanie's story may not be all that different from the …
Read more on MiamiHerald.com