TIgers Woods to Go to Arizona for “Sexual Compulsion” and “Drug Addiction” Do You Think This Will Help?

Question by latj: TIgers Woods to go to Arizona for “sexual compulsion” and “drug addiction” do you think this will help?
His wife has already seen a high profile divorce attorney and is already filing the proper paperwork and is ending her marriage. She has bought a $ 1.2 million home off an island in Sweden and is leaving for someplace “warm” with the children for the Christmas holidays. She is no longer wearing her wedding rings. She is said to be asking for MORE than HALF his billion dollar assets. Why now would he decide to get help for sexual compulsion when it has already destroyed everything he has? Why not BEFORE it did? I love Tiger but he doesn’t seem to be doing things in the proper order…
He is looking for someplace he and “the boys” can go for the holidays??? Isn’t that strange with the position he is in???

Best answer:

Answer by Yesi93
ummm, not sure. Probably not.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Mexican Drug Smugglers Routinely Released in Arizona – There are two sets of laws for drug smugglers. If you are an illegal alien, and you import less than 500 pounds of narcotics, then you are simply released to commit more crimes. If you are an Legal resident or Citizen, then you must serve several years in prison. The Bush administration is intentionally under-funding border security and immigration enforcement, and the cost in crime and drug addiction is crippling this nation. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is talking about Paris Hilton. Visit www.pesosforcongress.org, and help pressure Congress into building a secure fence on the Mexican border. Source: News 15, Phoenix August 1, 2007


Arizona students finding drug fix at school

Filed under: Arizona Drug Addiction

They weren't interested. They're in denial that there is even a problem." said D.J. Diebold. Diebold is a psychotherapist with a practice in Scottsdale who specializes in addiction. He says the number of teens he counsels with drug problems has doubled …
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