Treating Internet Addiction With Electric Shock Treatment in China


Treating Internet Addiction With Electric Shock Treatment in China – Treating Internet junkies Treating Internet Addiction Chinese Boot Camp 2007 Style CNN’s John Vause visits a boot camp run by the Chinese military to treat I…


Attorney General Announces Implementation Of Anti-Prescription Drug Abuse Act

Filed under: internet addiction help

The act is designed to detect people getting the same prescription from multiple doctors, help patients at risk of addiction and prevent dangerous drug interactions. "All the information, how many you're taking, who the doctor is, when the prescription …
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Japan plans 'fasting camps' for Web-addicted children

Filed under: internet addiction help

A new study by the Japanese Ministry of Education has now found that more than 500,000 children in the country are believed to be addicted to the Internet, according to the Daily Telegraph. The affected children are believed to fall in the age bracket …
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