Treatment Centers in San Diego | Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Treatment Centers in San Diego


Treatment Centers in San Diego | Treatment | Treatment Centers in San Diego – Treatment Centers in San Diego treats alcohol, drug, and prescription drugs abuse in a residential center in San Diego, C…


Judge: Calif. atheist parolee needs compensation

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court has ruled that a Northern California atheist parolee who went back to prison after refusing to participate in a religiously-tinged inpatient treatment program is entitled to monetary compensation. U.S. Ninth …
Read more on U-T San Diego


MLB extending investigation of performance-enhancing drugs to players' agents

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

Agents who push clients to use banned substances, put them in contact with steroid suppliers and help them beat baseball's drug testing and anti-doping program will remain in the crosshairs, Manfred told owners and team officials at the stately hotel …
Read more on New York Daily News


News Scan for Aug 22, 2013

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

The investigational drug miltefonsine is now available for treatment of free-living amebae (FLA) infections from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under an expanded access investigational new drug (IND) protocol with the Food and …
Read more on CIDRAP


Braun admits using steroids during 2011 MVP season

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

I support baseball's Joint Drug Treatment and Prevention Program and the importance of cleaning up the game. What I did goes against everything I have always … "To me, it doesn't really matter what they say. Let's lay down the penalties and move on …
Read more on Alexandria Town Talk


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