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Social Media Site “Encourages” Drug Use

Filed under: online drug addiction help

Information about how to get high is actually available on the Web already; there are numerous blogs and videos about the subject online. However, TripSit has taken things to a “high” level (pardon the pun) by providing instructions and tutorials about …
Read more on Social Barrel


For Uganda's population, it's more youth, more problemsPublish Date: Feb 26

Filed under: online drug addiction help

Another threat to youth productivity is their susceptibility to alcohol and drug abuse, as well as social-economic vulnerabilities such as ignorance, poverty and unemployment. The growth in primary, secondary and university enrolment is identified as a …
Read more on New Vision


Student to sell 'natural' Adderall

Filed under: online drug addiction help

“There's no need to abuse prescription drugs if you can achieve the same effect with something that's not harmful to you and that's not drug abuse,” he said. Timothy West, a … Those effects can help students study productively without incurring any …
Read more on The Daily Pennsylvanian