What Drug Used That Is in Pill Form Causes a Tingling Sensation When Placed in Your Mouth?

Question by Iris: What Drug used that is in pill form causes a tingling sensation when placed in your mouth?
Im a nurse and know my prescription drugs, but I can say I know much about the drugs are illegal and abused. What White plain pill tingles on your tongue that one of the effect it has is excessive hunger and food intake? Any ideas? Thanks ahead of time!
CORRECTION It Numbs your tongue on contact, not Tingle- also little sleep- and excessive thirst. All suggestions are helpful- thank you all

Best answer:

Answer by Deep Thinker
Could it be something like Albuterol. I know it causes hunger. Here are some pictures. Hope it helps, if not …sorry.


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How addiction changes your brain – CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta says the brain is “rewired” when someone becomes addicted.


Invasion of the Pub Crawlers

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Shaun of the Dead was a slapstick riff on George Romero's cannibal-zombie pictures (before zombies were a dime a hundred), but the real target was a certain species of middle-class English complacency and its attendant good manners. The heroes of the …
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Was Rob Ford Talking About Drugs on the Danforth?

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YouTube users have been flooding the site with video evidence of their concerns, prolonging the mayor's woes with media inquiries into his suspected struggles with substance abuse. The Toronto Star as well as the Globe and Mail have addressed the …
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Over 100000 people don't want to live on this planet anymore

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Over 100,000 people have decided that they have had it with planet Earth and would rather live on Mars. International space colonization company Mars One announced that over 100,000 people – including 30,000 Americans — have applied for the chance …
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Later that month she checks into the Betty Ford Center for substance abuse rehab. In October a judge orders Lohan to stay in … Lovato has been extremely open about her issues, and admitted she was abusing drugs as a way to self-medicate. In an MTV …
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