What Else Are Able-Bodied Adults “entitled” to – Drug Treatment, Money, Food, Insurance – – a Car?

Question by Didier Drogba: What else are able-bodied adults “entitled” to – drug treatment, money, food, insurance – – a car?

Best answer:

Answer by who farted?
A new kitchen and a tank of gas.

Didn’t you watch the campaign?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



If I Die Young, Chapter 3: Addiction – Emily’s sister knew what her parents refused to believe, that her sister had a powerful addiction. Residential treatment is costly. Depending on the facility out-of-pocket expenses for a family runs between 00 and 00. Researchers say about 50 percent of addiction is genetic.


From Twitter:

Health Buzz: Gonorrhea Growing Resistant to Treatment: Drug-resistant bugs pose growing danger; mistakes that in… http://t.co/cedfbAWB – by LovelyLioness23 (Elizabeth Boyd)


From Twitter:

Health Buzz: Gonorrhea Growing Resistant to Treatment: Drug-resistant bugs pose growing danger; mistakes that in… http://t.co/4ab0H0BC – by HITpol (HealthIT Policy)


From Twitter:

New CDC Guidelines for Gonorrhea Treatment to Prevent Drug Resistance http://t.co/wXcGGmqP #health – by mdsdaily (Medi-Science Daily)