What Help Is Available for Internet Addiction?

Question by NH Baritone: What help is available for internet addiction?
This is not gambling, porn, or anything other than web cruising and forums. Are there national organizations for internet addiction? Online meetings (the irony is not lost on me)? Other resources?

Best answer:

Answer by prichardfinancial
You need to get yourself a healthy addiction like chewing tabacco or drinking boxed wine.

What do you think? Answer below!


Internet's Effects on Psychoses Studied

Filed under: internet addiction help

This kind of use has led some to investigate Internet addiction, which, like any addiction, can have great effects on a person's life. However, it is not … The research considered three specific case studies for people who willingly came to seek help …
Read more on Overclockers Club


Students, others experience problems with going online too much to escape

Filed under: internet addiction help

“Now that I'm in college, I always have to look up information for my classes and my usage for the Internet has definitely increased since I have become a student.” Anderson said that in order for people to help cope and get rid of their addiction …
Read more on BG News


American Heart Association says Social media may help fight Childhood Obesity

Filed under: internet addiction help

However, the downsides to social media include exposure to cyber bullying, privacy issues, sexting and Internet addiction that can cause sleep deprivation, Li said. “Doctors need to understand digital technology better so that they can offer guidance …
Read more on Clarksville Online


From Twitter:

Internet addiction will be included from 2013 – It is named as Internet addiction disorder (IAD)” @lehgo_mego It’s ok I’m here to help you? – by elohelll (El Swyers)