What Is Up With Me? My Life Is So Screwed Over I Just Need Some Advice.?

Question by BBallMan: What is up with me? My life is so screwed over I just need some advice.?
Ok- first off. Im in love with a douche. Ugh. Ok. Well he is just a bad news drugee. He smokes anything and everything (were not 18 so it illeagal so smoke) hes a drinker. Pshh. But still I am IN LOVE with him, hes just so irristible…uh. But any time we meet I have to lie to everyone, and so does he. UGH!

2nd- I think Im depressed, I found my old blog and playlists i miss how I used to be, a breakup used to just brush right off my shoulders like I could take anything, i was invincible, i had tons of friends. But Ive changed…everything about me. Im not who I was. I don’t know who I am anymore.

3rd- My parents are trying to rule my life! Ugh. Im so upset with everything. My grades are slipping. Im just struggling and everything else.

4th- MORE guy problems. My ex is causing so much turmoil in my life! AHH!

5th- I am disappering behind masks and lies. I used to be so down to earth I used to fight for others, and things like world hunger and everything else…but now..i am guy crazy, physically involved with my best guy friend..and things are crashing around me.

WHAT has happened.

P.s. nother problem. I do c a therapist but i feel like i cant trust her to not tell my mom my problems so I cant talk to her like I WANT TO.

Best answer:

Answer by Niels
It’s called hormones, live with it.

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