What Sign Is the Most Susceptible to Becoming a Drug addict/Alcoholic?

Question by Buffoon: What sign is the most susceptible to becoming a drug addict/Alcoholic?

…Or, if you have any friends who are either of these, what sign are they?

Best answer:

Answer by Marko
First place pisces,second place cancers

Give your answer to this question below!


G-fee Changes in Limbo; Wells Settles with Fannie; Tax Breaks…

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Illegal drug use/abuse is illegal, and if an employee is demonstrated to be willfully violating laws, the likelihood is generally considered higher that they might break laws in the course of work. Agencies, and aggregators … And Michigan's Flagstar …
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Drug tramadol escapes stricter regulation

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The Schnoll interview was done by two professors, one from the University of Florida and one from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, as part of a project at University of Michigan Substance Abuse Center. "There were equally good products …
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Michelle Snyder, the chief operating officer of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, had intended to leave last year after four decades in public service but stayed on to “help me with the challenges facing CMS in 2013,” the agency's chief …
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