Why Does My Husband Care if I Use Non Harmful Drugs?

Question by laura a: Why does my husband care if I use non harmful drugs?
I’m in recovery from alcohol addiction. I get that I had a problem with it and I got caught sneaking it after I said I would stop and was found passed out when my husband got home. I have been in recovery since May 2010. I am graduating from dent school in a few months. Recently, I started taking a drug that is illegal in asia, but not here. I love it. It relaxes me and gives me some euphoria and best… I don’t think about alcohol when Im on it.

I told my husband about it and he flipped. I thought it was good news bc it took away the craving for alcohol. Anyway… he flushed it and now I have to sneak it. I hate having to do this but it seems the only way I can get some relief is through this method.

Anyone have any suggestions? My sponsor says this is a relapse, but I’m not really sure that’s true. This drug doesnt get me high enough to make me do stupid things. I’m afraid of my husband finding out and go at great lengths to hide it but its getting to be too much. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Adam
Your husband flipped, because switching one addiction for a different addiction is NOT recovery. Stop getting high, stop drinking, start improving your life so that you don’t “need” to do those things anymore.

As long as you use some chemical as a crutch to deal with life you will be an addict. You are better than that. Keep working with your sponsor, stop hiding things from your husband. You can be really free, just keep working on it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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