Why Does Obama Think It Is Ok if a Women Has an Abortion and if the Baby Comes Out Alive You Leave It to Die?

Question by jeffsgag: Why does Obama think it is ok if a women has an abortion and if the baby comes out alive you leave it to die?
He was the only one to vote for this bill that says if a women has an abortion and the baby comes out alive you do nothing you just let the human life lie there and die. you do not try an save the baby

Best answer:

Answer by Leslie C
He didn’t do that…

Look at what McCain has done though:
McCain graduating 5th from the bottom of his class (almost failing):

McCain singing Bomb Iran:

McCain Chelsa Clinton is Ugly Comment:

McCain calling the veitnamese Gooks:

McCain’s wife and drug addiction:

McCain giving up on his wife and divorcing her:

McCain cheating on his wife:

More Of McCain’s screwups:

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