Why Is Dogfighting Worth Several Years in Prison Whereas Molesting a Child Is Worth Just a Little Jail Time?
Question by Betty Mae Bop: Why is dogfighting worth several years in prison whereas molesting a child is worth just a little jail time?
On the news there was this disgusting story of a guy who molested a young child, after ALREADY going to jail for another molestation crime and then released, and then was sent back to jail for only a year. Molesting a child once is a disgusting enough act that should be severely punished, but to do it *repeatedly* after being released from jail, shouldn’t this be an offense worth several years in prison as to opposed to one year in jail?
When did I say I approved of dogfighting? I DIDN’T. I’m advocate for animal rights and it’s a terrible thing but it certainly shouldn’t be worth MORE than molestation of children and raping of women.
Best answer:
Answer by Bluetiful
Because the Judicial system is f*@ked up in their heads!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Christine Maggiore: Law and Order – Retro (Special Victims Unit) – David and Christine discuss “Retro”, a recent episode of the prime time TV show, “Law & Order Special Victim’s Unit”, in which a false version of Christine’s life is used to send a supposedly true message about AIDS. Special guests include Robin Scovill, Christine’s real life husband of 12 years whose inexplicable HIV negative status causes him to be eliminated from fictionalized portrayals of his family as well as from most factual news articles. Also joining the show is Michael Ellner a hypnosis educator who calls television and movies “the most effective means for hypnosis”. News items include the use of voodoo priests to promote testing and treatment in Haiti, a 26% death rate found among Africans after starting HAART and a look at the Goudge inquiry, Canada’s investigation into pathological misconduct by a top coroner. At the beginning of the show David and Christine discuss how AIDS researchers are trying to enroll voodoo priests in Haiti to encourage HIV testing and treatment but how the experience with treatment in one site in Africa has been a 26% death rate in the first year after starting drugs. Christine wonders how it can be that this massive death rate, which would be call for a drug recall in other domains, is always explained away or ignored with AIDS drugs. They finish the news segment with a discussion of Canadian pathologist Charles Smith who put many parents and other caregivers in jail by blaming a child’s death on them, decisions that have almost all …
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